It is essential to understand that past performance does not guarantee future results, and any performance metrics presented are hypothetical in nature. Performance data shown does not represent actual HUMBL Financial customer returns and does not account for trading fees or costs charged by exchanges used to process transactions.
Investors should be aware that investments in digital assets through HUMBL Financial carry significant risks: they are not FDIC or SIPC insured, are not guaranteed by any bank, and may lose value. Before making any investment decision, carefully consider your investment objectives and review all applicable HUMBL Financial fees and expenses.
Prior to investing in any crypto asset through HUMBL Financial, investors must conduct their own independent examination and investigation of the potential investment, including thorough analysis of both merits and risks. Investment decisions must be based on this independent examination and not rely solely on information obtained through HUMBL Financial's website or application. The content provided should not be construed as legal, tax, investment, or other professional advice.
HUMBL Financial strongly encourages prospective investors to consult with their own advisors regarding legal, tax, regulatory, financial, and accounting implications of cryptocurrency investments. Each investor should evaluate the suitability of crypto assets for their specific financial situation and objectives.
Regarding trading strategies and exit plans, HUMBL Financial users maintain full responsibility for creating and executing their own approaches. HUMBL Financial and its partners do not assume responsibility for the success or failure of any exit strategy displayed or developed using the platform's tools. Users with questions about cryptocurrency investments should seek guidance from qualified financial professionals.
It should be noted that HUMBL Financial is not registered as an Investment Adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, nor as a Commodity Trading Adviser under the Commodity Exchange Act. HUMBL Financial does not provide personalized financial advice or guarantee investment outcomes.